Law 35: Master the Art of Timing: Anticipate the ebb and flow of power. Otherwise, you risk being surprised and forced to react without time to think. Take into account all possible developments. Law 29: Plan All the Way to the End: Make detailed plans with a clear ending. Otherwise, you’ll waste limited time and energy. Law 23: Concentrate Your Forces: Focus your resources and energies where you’ll have the most impact or get the most benefit. Law: 19: Know Who You’re Dealing With – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person: When attempting to deceive someone, know who you’re dealing with, so you don’t waste your time or stir up a hornets’ nest in reaction. The perpetually miserable spread misery like an infection and they’ll drown you in it. Law 10: Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky: Avoid miserable people. If you co-opt an enemy, he’ll be more loyal than a friend because he’ll try harder to prove himself worthy of your trust.
Law 2: Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies: Keep a close eye on your friends - they get envious and will undermine you. He realized he was being spared and became one of Sung’s most loyal followers. When Shu opened it, he found evidence documenting his conspiracy against Sung. After wining and dining him, however, Sung sent Shu home with a package. Sung invited the enemy, King Shu, to his palace, where Shu thought he would be punished. Identify your goals and pursue them relentlessly.īest “48 Laws of Power list” example: Chinese Emperor Sung converted an enemy into an ally.

Key “48 Laws of Power list” takeaways: Be calculating and strategic, not emotional.

The 48 Laws of Power List Theme 1: Adopt a Power Mindset

We’ve grouped the laws into categories to clarify themes and make them easier to remember. Here, then, is the 48 Laws of Power list (each law is independent, so you don’t need to follow them in sequence), along with Greene’s warning of the seductive quality of power: it can consume your mind, and you might never see human behavior the same way again. Greene argues that the 48 Laws of Power list will generally increase your power while failing to follow it will decrease it, or worse. He’s codified 48 laws of power based on examples and writings going back 3,000 years of people who’ve excelled or failed at wielding power, with glorious or bloody results. In The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene contends that since you can’t opt out of the game of power, you’re better off becoming a master player by learning the rules and strategies practiced since ancient times. You’re either a power player or a pawn someone else is playing with. Striving for and wielding power is a game everyone participates in, whether they want to or not. Everyone wants power and is always trying to get more. You can choose to apply or dismiss these rules – but you can’t escape them. The 48 Laws of Power list is a list of ways to become more powerful, from Robert Greene’s book The 48 Laws of Power. Read on to learn how to use the 48 Laws of Power list to use your enemies, keep others dependent on you, say as little as possible, take credit for others’ work, and control all the options. What is the 48 Laws of Power list? How can I become more powerful in my life and work? What are the secrets to success?
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